Archtober is accepting nominations for projects to be included in New York City’s month-long festival of architecture and design. Each day in October 2016, the event will feature a Building of the Day as a noon-time, architect-led tour. Building of the Day tours are the centerpiece of Archtober. With the goal of making exemplary architecture
Archtober is accepting nominations for projects to be included in New York City’s month-long festival of architecture and design. Each day in October 2016, the event will feature a Building of the Day as a noon-time, architect-led tour. Building of the Day tours are the centerpiece of Archtober. With the goal of making exemplary architecture
Archtober is accepting nominations for projects to be included in New York City’s month-long festival of architecture and design. Each day in October 2016, the event will feature a Building of the Day as a noon-time, architect-led tour. Building of the Day tours are the centerpiece of Archtober. With the goal of making exemplary architecture
L A M P (Lighting Architecture Movement Project) is calling for entries for its fourth annual international lighting design competition. The competition challenges designers to approach their light fixtures with the guidance of a singular word. This year’s theme is Cosmic. There are three categories for submission: student, emerging, and established designers. Submissions will open
L A M P (Lighting Architecture Movement Project) is calling for entries for its fourth annual international lighting design competition. The competition challenges designers to approach their light fixtures with the guidance of a singular word. This year’s theme is Cosmic. There are three categories for submission: student, emerging, and established designers. Submissions will open
L A M P (Lighting Architecture Movement Project) is calling for entries for its fourth annual international lighting design competition. The competition challenges designers to approach their light fixtures with the guidance of a singular word. This year’s theme is Cosmic. There are three categories for submission: student, emerging, and established designers. Submissions will open